Friday, January 23, 2009

Hiatus Over!

I have not blogged in forever! For the last few months I have been extremely busy with life. Sick kids, crazy work schedules, leaking roof, holidays and school. Why is it that when life happens, the things closest to your heart get put on the back burner? While I have still been crafting for the Angels, it has been at a much slower pace. I have been crocheting sitting in doctors offices, while working or maybe 30 minutes before bed. An outfit that would normally take me 4 hours to make has turned into 4 weeks.

I had 3 New Year's resolutions: organize my house, start nursing school and get back to blogging, oh and maybe exercise. I have managed to accomplish all 3!! And stepped on the treadmill twice! haha

So my promise to myself and my Angels is to write about every and any accomplishment, no matter how small or insignificant. I have put off writing before because I thought I really didn't have anything important to say or show, nor did I think anyone really looked at my blog. Blogging started off as a way to encourage and motivate myself to continue with the work that is so close to my heart, and I had lost sight of that. Thanks Debbie for the reminder!

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